RenderMeshSystemV2 GC spikes in profiler

Hey, everybody.

I found a strange behavior of rendermeshsystemv2 system in the profiler.

I created an empty scene with a cube (an entity with Translation and RenderMesh components) on it.

var entityManager = World.Active.EntityManager;
var testCube = entityManager.CreateArchetype(

var cubeEntity = entityManager.CreateEntity(testCube);

entityManager.SetSharedComponentData(cubeEntity, new RenderMesh
    mesh = _cubeMesh,
    material = _cubeMaterial

EntityManager.SetComponentData(cubeEntity, new Translation
    Value = _cubeTranslation

After starting the scene, I see my cube on the screen, but I also see periodic peaks in the profiler caused by the garbage collector. The profiler shows that garbage is created in the unity.rendering.rendermeshsystemv2 → updatedynamicrenderbatches → soft shared renderers (please see attached screenshot)

Obviously, these peaks will reduce perfomance, and if the problems appear on such a simple test scene that means I’m definitely doing cube creation wrong

Please advise what I’m doing wrong.

Don’t profile garbage in the editor, profile it in a build. A lot of safety stuff produces garbage which is stripped at runtime.