I am having some trouble with tags. I know what the geometry tag and and the transparent tag do. But what do background and overlay do?
I assumed “overlay” was the very last thing to render putting it on top of every thing. It seems that is does the same thing as the transparent tag? Also I cant even get the background tag to work, I get an error when I try to use it.
So some clarification on exatly what all thse do would be great.
Thanks a lot,
The Overlay queue gets rendered after the Transparent queue. This makes the two very similar but it is still useful if you want something to always be rendered last.
Background queue is not available in Unity 1.2.2. This will be added in the next release.
One thing that might confuse you is that the render queue you can select is per shader and not per pass.
Cool sounds great. I am having a problem with the Overlay tag, when I use it I dont see the object at all? Do have an idea of why this might be?
Um, yes. There seems to be an issue in 1.2.2 with the overlay queue. That will be fixed as well of course. Sorry, you probably have to stick to geometry and transparent for now.
Well, good to know
The thing is I am already using transparent and geometry and need some thing infront of that… Well I suppose I could just use use another camera for now. You know a very cool thing to have which could save many headakes with cameras would be to be able to set the render que your self. So instead of the current 4 render que’s you could just have 1 through 99.
Lighting On
ZWrite Off
Cull Back
Tags {Queue=23}
Blend SrcAlpha OneMinusSrcAlpha
AlphaTest Greater [_Cutoff]
That would be extremely useful in avoiding some awkward multi-camera set ups. Just a thought
Thanks a lot for the info Joachim, always appreciated.