When I was uploading my standalone program to a cloud website I had to import each file one by one into folder that I created withh same name. Could this ruin anything in my game?
As long as you still have the same file structure the game will not be affected…
if you do happen to mess it up the game will lose references to your game files making it crash and freeze when it tries to load them(if you get it to run at all that is)
due to the nature of your cloud site i suggest you “Archive” the game files. that is place each and every game file as is within a ZIP or RAR file thus compressing its contents making it smaller and easier to handle as well. your cloud site should recognize your compressed game folder as a Zip file thus requiring only one file to upload and you won’t have to worry about the game being reordered
How to compress a folder or file
when your customer downloads the file be sure to give them very clear instruction on extracting the folder, if you have WinRar (its not Free but better compression methods than a zip file) you can actually make a game installer!
just remember you want you customers to have a very easy time installing your game, not all of them are computer geniuses. the simpler the better