Replace with a value from hashtable

Is it possible to do replace with a value from a hashtable when using Regex replace, depending on the string that Regex finds? I don’t really know how to explain it good, so here’s my code:
string data_location;
static Hashtable main;

void Start ()
	// Start with importing language files
	main = new Hashtable ();
	data_location = Application.dataPath + "/data/language/EN/";
	StreamReader main_file = new StreamReader (data_location + "main.txt");
	string main_language = main_file.ReadToEnd ();
	string[] main_language_lines = main_language.Split ('


	foreach (string line in main_language_lines)
		// Save every line
		if (line != "")
			// Add the strings to the hashtable after processing them
			string pattern = "{([A-z0-9_]+)}";
			string[] line_content = line.Split ('|');
			main.Add (line_content[0], Regex.Replace (line_content[1].Replace ("\

“, "
“), pattern, (string) main[”$1”]));

And here’s the content of the file being imported:

WELCOME_TEXT|{GAME_NAME} is still a WIP. Expect many derps and stoff.

W - Move forward
A - Move left
S - Move backwards
D - Move right
Q - Show current quests
E - Teleport to the cave
I - Open inventory
P - Pause
Esc - Close game
Enter - Close this window

The problem lies in this line: main.Add (line_content[0], Regex.Replace (line_content[1].Replace ("\ ", " "), pattern, (string) main["$1"]));

If I replace it to this it works: main.Add (line_content[0], Regex.Replace (line_content[1].Replace ("\ ", " "), pattern, (string) main["GAME_NAME"]));

But then it will not work in future cases with other strings, so any suggestions how I should do?

Sorry about bad explanations

I’ll start from different problem: you create StreamReader without closing or disposing it. You should either call Close/Dispose, or just use using keyword to automatically handle disposing

using(StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(path))
    // read the data

You can use File.ReadAllLines as well, which has an advantage over StreamReader.ReadToEnd, because it returns array of lines.

As to your question: it doesn’t work, because substitution ($1 here) must be passed directly to the Replace method. When you do main["$1"], substitution is not used, and you’re just trying to get a value with key “$1” from hashtable. I suggest the following solution:

Dictionary<string, string> main = new Dictionary<string, string>(); // I suggest using Dictionary, because it is strongly typed and doesn't require any casting to string, like you did in your code

string pattern = @"\{([A-z0-9_]+)\}"; // this should be outside of foreach loop
foreach (var line in main_language_lines)
    string[] line_content = line.Split('|');

    string key = line_content[0];
    string value = line_content[1].Replace("\

", "
var match = Regex.Match(value, pattern);
if (match.Success)
value = Regex.Replace(value, pattern, main[match.Groups1.Value]);
main.Add(key, value);

Please note, that this is solution for single replacement. If you had the following line:

{GAME_NAME}, version {VERSION}

then you need to modify the sample code.