replacement for collision.contacts with triggers instead of colliders

I am new to unity and am making this little platformer where I just started trying to add coins as a tilemap, I found a helpful video on destroying tiles but it only works with OnCollisionEnter, and since I am making coins I figured it has to be a trigger.

It stops working right at collision.contacts and says ‘collider2D’ does not contain a definition for ‘contacts’

I’m looking for an alternative to collision.contacts but for OnTriggerEnter

here’s the code:

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D collision)  
    if (collision.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))  
        Vector3 HitPosition =;  
        foreach(ContactPoint2D hit in collision.contacts) // <-- doesn't work with OnTriggerEnter...  
            HitPosition.x = hit.point.x - 0.001f * hit.normal.x;
            HitPosition.y = hit.point.y - 0.001f * hit.normal.y;
                destructableTilemap.SetTile(destructableTilemap.WorldToCell(HitPosition), null);

when you do ctrl + . it just says to change collision.contacts to collision.GetContacts… which also doesn’t work
Thank you for the reply, and it works(!), But it only will delete a coin upon touching it from the left, right or up, but if you are going down onto the coin it wont delete it,
here’s the changed code:

void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D other)
    if (other.gameObject.CompareTag("Player"))
        Vector2 HitPosition =;
        HitPosition = other.transform.position;
            HitPosition.x = (HitPosition.x) - (0.01f * HitPosition.x);
            HitPosition.y = (HitPosition.y) - (0.01f * HitPosition.y);
            destructableTilemap.SetTile(destructableTilemap.WorldToCell(HitPosition), null);

I’m pretty sure it only isn’t working because of the - (0.001f * HitPosition) because it seems to me that it will move the point where it deletes a tile a little up and to the left which is supposed to make sure it gets the right tile but from the top it doesn’t work.
Again thank you for the reply

In a trigger event, no physics collision actually occurs, so as you can see in the argument for your method, it gives you a Collider instead of a collision. Colliders don’t have any contacts to check so you can’t use them to determine the collision point. I would suggest just using the position of the collider you collided with, which you have named “collision”, which is quite confusing and I would recommend against, but I’ll use it in my example.

You could replace the entire for each loop with just this:

HitPosition = collision.transform.position;