Replacing Geometry

Hi there, i am new to Unity and not very good at scripting, is there a way to replace a geometry in-game with another from the library…?

Thanks in advance

Attach a script to the character with the line of code DontDestroyOnLoad(this);
That line will make the object not be destroyed when a new scene is loaded.

Make a new scene with the new geometry and save it anywhere with any name. In this example I will have the scene named “MyScene”. Then in that scene go to file, build settings, then click the add current button. That button will allow you to access that scene in game.

Next, place this line of code in the script when you want geometry to be changed. Application.LoadLevel(“MyScene”);

Make sure the new scene has objects place where the character can land on them. Hope I helped!

Sorry for the lack of details, for example, i have a character with an independent geometry as hair, and i want to replace it for a hat geometry i have on the library