Replicating Real World Physics / Masses Colliders & Collisions [Field Hockey Game]

Hi Everyone,

I am in the process of developing a Field Hockey sports simulation game and I want to strive to get the game as realistic as possible.

I have a goalkeeper setup and I have setup 6 spheres with the settings below:

At the moment I have the goalkeeper sliding through the balls, but they are not moving very much at all given the difference in masses. Do I need to be scripting something to actually apply a force to the balls?

What is the best way to get a better collider which fits more in with the GK model? I can see in the video I have made to explain the problem that the capsule collider stays upright when the keeper slides so should I be using a mesh collider?

Any pointers would be greatly appreciated.

As a first step you could try using multiple smaller collision primitives (i.e. a capsule collider for just the forearm) and try to better match the volume of the goalkeeper by combining many smaller components that are parented to the skeleton?

Yup, its simple, do exactly like eaclou said, small capsules for moving body parts. You can use ragdoll wizard to see how to setup this(it makes colliders automatically).

Thank you both for your comments. I don’t know if this makes a difference but the GK model is a prefab generated using the UMA power tools, should I still be able to create a rag doll at this point or does it need to be done from scratch?

I figured it out - thanks for the initial rag doll pointers.

What is the best way to get realistic collisions in terms of getting the balls to move more realistically - is it purely down to getting the correct balance of masses of the Goalkeeper/ball or is it more complicated than that?