I cannot seem to find a 3D model of a “SKEE BALL machine” “Model H” Alley. I found this one
But for some reason adding a Mesh Collider to the model encapsulates it.
I cannot seem to find a 3D model of a “SKEE BALL machine” “Model H” Alley. I found this one
But for some reason adding a Mesh Collider to the model encapsulates it.
No idea where you could find a skeeball machine model, but you might be able to get that one working. The collider encapsulating the mesh suggests that you might have Convex checked, but unchecking it won’t help. That model looks like it’s set up pretty crazy. One of the side panels is part of the main mesh, one of them’s a submesh, just for example. I think your best shot at getting the mesh collider working is to start by opening it in blender or something and cleaning it up as much as you can. But mesh colliders kind of suck anyway. They’re not 100% fully supported by physX, and primitive colliders are generally faster and more reliable even if you have to use a bunch of them. If I were you I’d write a script to spawn a circle of rotated box colliders for the circular shapes and set up the rest of my collision by hand.