Request a sub-topic for SourceGenerators

Currently there are many threads in many topics and sub-topics about the growing practice of utilizing Roslyn and the SourceGenerators, both ISourceGenerator and IIncrementalGenerator.

I think it’s time to open its own sub-topic under the Scripting topic and gather the threads under one umbrella so it is easier to find them and encourage discussion and questions of the topic of source generation.


I guess that’s a no.

I support having a separate Code Generator forum because I can see Code Generators becoming an important cornerstone of editor-tooling.

Particularly in regards to DOTS / Entities it makes things possible where you’d otherwise have to deal with very complex generic workflows (that eventually fail to provide an improvement, or won’t work at all). The (welcome!) lack of subclassing sometimes enforces a pattern that explodes the number of types, and those would lend themselves well to source generation. Polymorphic structs being the most well-known use case to date.