[Request] Editor scene pipette

Dear developers.

Working with large scenes and assing fields in scripts are so hard and unbearably.

Can you add Editor scene pipette like blender functionality?
This video is showed how it works (Time 3:30)

Or watch this example from “xxx” engine

Its feature save so many time for level designers, game designers and all team, who work in large scenes with over 1k objects

Thanks :slight_smile:



Any comments or news?

Thanks for the suggestion, @IAndrewNovak ! I’ve passed it along to our product team!

Thanks TreyK-47 for reply. It’s good news for me and i think for all Unity community!

I went ahead and added the eyedropper tool to all Object fields in Power Inspector. It doesn’t have a dedicated icon for activating the feature yet, but it works.

Hopefully Unity’s product team can implement a built-in solution for every Unity user soon, but in the meanwhile I hope this helps make life more bearable for some folks wrestling with this problem.

Made some improvements to this.

WOW. Cool. Pipette can fill gameobject fields or can fill any components?

It works with all components too.

It also supports material fields, by fetching the clicked material from inside the Renderer of the GameObject.

With Object and Component fields it can also pop open a menu that lets you select which Component inside the GameObject should be assigned.