Request for Assistance with Unity AAB Build Issue (game breaks with (split application binary) check


Hello community,

I am currently encountering a challenge similar to the one described by a fellow Unity developer in this forum thread: Link to the Forum Thread.

In summary, I am utilizing Unity version 2022.3.10f and configuring asset bundles while building my project with the ‘split application binary’ option. However, upon uploading the resulting .aab file to the Google Play Console and attempting to play the game, I am experiencing a critical issue. It seems that the game is not retrieving essential assets, scripts, and texts from the obb file.

What’s interesting is that when I build the project without the .aab format (creating an APK instead), the issue persists. Even though the obb file size is 1.2GB, the APK size is only 60MB.

I have applied a temporary fix by manually moving the obb file to the ‘android/obb/(gamepackagename)’ folder on the device for the non-AAB build (APK build), and the issue is resolved. However, this is not a sustainable solution.

I am seeking a permanent fix for this issue with AAB builds. Any insights or guidance on how to address this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your time and assistance.

Best regards,

AFAIK, OBB files are not compatible with aab bundling. Here is the reference to confirm.

thanks, but if i try to build from “google” tab, im getting 200mb erorr from play console, what can i do. (im using assetbundles)

i got my bundles in “streamingassets” folder, when i try to build with “split application binary” option check, this issue starts. what can i do instead ? imma try to build with “split application binary” uncheck hope it works.
[UPDATE] when i try to upload to play console, im taking 200mb error. what can i do about that issue, which way i should use to build?