Request for iPhone more descriptive Unity error codes

All errors I have ever seen so far are either “unknown” or something along the lines of null or not instantiated stuff, I would like more descriptive error codes from Unity. The code works fine without any errors in the editor but on the iPhone, I get

→ applicationDidBecomeActive()
→ force accelerometer registration
Unknown error occured in:
IP 0x6e7670 at offset 0x30 of method SetupObjects:resetBunkers () (0x6e7640 0x6e76d4)[domain 0x14c1e70 - UnityDomainLoad.exe]
[Switching to thread 11779]
[Switching to thread 11779]

At least I see which method, but why, I have zero clue.

I fear you send that request to the wrong ones.

the whole iphone development end and debugging is Apples thing, Unity Tech can not influence that.
You will have to learn your way through XCode to debug on the iphone, independent if you like it or not (and I agree with you, when compared to visual studio, XCode debugging remembers of a C64 put next to a OSX 10.5 / Vista64 )

Well I found the problem, not that it matters much in this case, but although I was checking to see if something was “null”, it passed the first check then tried to destroy the object since it was not considered null by unity but xcode considered it null, so I put a nested null check after the first null check and it failed the second although it passed the first, my code now has to be (all throughout my project)

if(obj != null)
   if(obj != null)

Don’t know why it is required and personally don’t care why, but this fixed the problem. I know for a fact when the level starts the object is null and does not exist, it is not generated till later in the game after certain events occur but on a new level reset, I trigger the same code to clear out the level of all objects in this case instead of just moving them around like I mostly do everywhere else, I actually destroy the set, have over 300 objects to deal with and iPhone on Unity has issues when I get past 40.

Could you post complete script?