As so many great extensions are rolling out, could Devs please mention in their initial posting, id their product is IOS ready? The pattern is I see a great product, foam at mouth, then learn it isn’t quite optimized for mobile.
This would be a huge help, as may devs here are IOS or IOS.Android only.
I would assume that anything that does not mention it is explicitely is not opted nor even tested for mobile as those that did it are pretty surely mentioning those two platforms
You could go that way. I’d prefer if something like Mega-Fiers or Hard Surface Shaders would simply say ‘requires Shader 3’ or ‘not optimized for IOS’.
Then I don’t have to paw through a dozen pages of posts before someone asks the question.
I would actually love to see UT add checkboxes to select the supported platforms right away on the asset store, as webplayer is often a larger problem than ios as iOS has complete system access and most if not all namespaces, but hte webplayer has a seriously limited subset only