Request Performance Test

If you are up for a quick test of an app. Please use the link above, when it loads select Experiment Mode. Then click on the image or the Load Level button. Then enter some random User ID and hit load. The scene starts off dark and a robot comes out… just want an overall GOOD or BAD for frame rate. If BAD what are your system specs?


Runs quite well on my 2GHz Intel Core 2 Duo iMac

Ahah i like it. Not very interactive but quite original.

fps is good on my laptop but can’t tell how much 'cause it’s not written on the screen.

Any way this stuff is… Alien :smile:

Frame rate is fine on my Mac Pro.

Runs great here, including on the secondary monitor.

High-five for including an episode of Everyone Loves Raymond. :wink:


Does not run correctly, black screen with just the title and other gui parts after selecting the robot.

Intel Q9450, Vista 64bit SP1, Firefox, 4gb ram, ati 4870

2 NVIDIA 8600 GTS and I get like 2 FPS. It would help if you displayed an FPS counter.

You need to improve the performance.

Its for a trust w/ robot agents experiment Stanford is running.

re: FPS meter. I’m not concerned with the exact fps, but only if it’s ridiculously low stuttering.

@snicholls - Did you run in Experiment mode? You shouldn’t have been prompted to choose a robot. Although the black screen is correct. In experiment mode the robot turns its lights on as it moves down a tunnel towards the camera position.

@tgraupmann - What is the rest of the specs on your system. I think that most of the performance issue has to do with memory requirements (did you have other heavy apps open?). Right now the player, when uncompressed in memory, takes about 200-300 megs. The only systems I’ve run into performance issues on were ones that were low on RAM. I was able to run it OK on a year old white MacBook without any issue.

it was game mode

I think there may be something wrong with your machine. :shock:

I have a Quad Processor @2.4Ghz with 8GB of RAM. I could play Crysis at full res with my Dual SLI graphics cards while having photoshop open and 6 Unity editors if I wanted.

Browser? :?

@ tgraupmann Running Windows? … that must be the problem. :smile: I really can’t explain why it sucks on your system so much when it runs pretty well on systems with much less computing power.

My machine is a quad-core 2.2Ghz AMD Phenom 64, with 4 gigs of ram running on WinXP SP3, and it ran very well.

In case that info helps you or UT narrow down the problem. My test vid card is a GeForce 8600 GT.


Well it runs fine on this Windows box. :stuck_out_tongue:

Intel E8500, 4GB of RAM, Radeon 4870, Firefox 3, Vista 64bit. Ran like buttah.