Really, asset store has many models and whatnot, but it doesn’t have a base character. By base I mean a naked anatomically correct human.
I’d really love to see something like that. With different polycounts to choose from too.
I don’t want to buy a character with a t-shirt or some army gear, I need a naked man to build my own clothing for.
I think many people would love to see something like that. A base mesh with a rig and maybe some generic animations.
Yup that’s exactly what I was looking for lately. I ended up with building my own one - pretty low quality stuff with 400 verts atm (I’m still trying to reduce it some more), for a game with a far-away camera, I doubt that anyone else wants to use it.
There is Makehuman. This gives you a base model where you can start with. You can even tweak the shape to your needs. It has a relative high poly count though for game needs. As a low polygon substitute there is UniHuman. Also tweakable.
Besides that, the needs are very different for every game most of the time. So it`s a good idea to start from scratch with a new character
what is the average polycount your looking for ? Doyou need a female too?
Doyou need them to be fully rigged and skin ? do you want to have a separate skinned head with it ? 2 differant maps ( one for the head one for the body ) ? Naked ? do you want their sex to be modeled ??? i could provide what you want but i need more specications. what i can do is an average person ( muscled or not ???) with an average face ( all rigged and skinned, body and facial skinning, just have to create a script handling and saving bones deformation and position for avatar creation. For next gen game i can create a character of about 5000 polys ( more or less according to separated toes or not etc … )
Polycount max of around 15k tris I’d say, but less is better obviously.
A female would be nice too, but right now I require a male mainly.
Rig and skin would be nice, but I personally can rig on my own.
Body and head should use 2 maps yes.
Naked yes, no genitals because I will model my own clothing to go on top of them anyway.
Fingers on feet should be separate yes. They don’t need much details, but they need to be separate.
A lod where they are not separate would be nice, but not required.
@ 2dfxman1 : if you create your clothes on your own maybe it would be better to have the different bodyparts separated : head / body / arms / legs / hands / feet if you want to use t shirt, long shirt / trousers etc … ? well, i ask that because of the polycount many guys felt down on me with my new dragon polycount … so here if you put trousers on a model whose legs are not visible but calculated … well, i think i should have something that could fits you. i have an unoptimized old naked model. Just have to reduce polycount and retouch geometry. you want a caucasian one ?