Requesting feedback to improve my asset that was rejected

I made an asset to give 2d line of sight to enemies,
Comes with the following.

  • An adaptive 2D line of sight that will be blocked by any objects you want through the obstacle layer.
  • Enemies waypoints that they will move between.
  • A lock-on feature, that will lock on the player when they see them and stop if they don’t.
  • A sweep feature that will sweep between two points.
  • Features that let you pulse the FOV width or distance between 2 points.
  • The ability to turn on/off colors, change what the colors are, and control speed on all of these features.
    Video below. ** Please note, now that I’m watching the video again, it’s actually choppier and less smooth than the real thing. I thought they tested each asset so they would know that it runs smoothly. Hopefully, they didn’t turn me down because of the low-quality vid…
    However, unity said “This package is too simple for our current standards. Please spend more time researching the current game market, polishing and tweaking your package to a high degree of quality, and expand its contents to reach a broader audience. We recommend visiting the Asset Store Forums so users may give you more feedback: Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
    This is version 2.0 after my first version was rejected for the same reason.
    I thought mine was at least as good as this one - 2D Line Of Sight Detection System | AI | Unity Asset Store
    I’m trying to figure how to fix or improve it.
    Any suggestions would be great! I’m not sensitive, if the whole thing sucks it would also be good to know that.
    Thanks for any help you guys offer!

The look and feel definitely is simplistic.
That other asset you linked (which may have slipped through the cracks at a previous time) is indeed a bit better. If you can’t see what is different between the two (which is not much but there are differences) it means your judgement is not objective and you are not looking for the details.

Some significant refinement would be nice.
Such as fading, better range visual cues for the level designer, custom gradients, ability to link presence and more complex color grading to indicate more states of alertness, split colors between rooms (i.e. a room has agitated guards but the other is empty,) improve the pulsing animation, it is poor, improve the edges where it touches a wall, i.e. with brighter colors… etc etc.

I also see some sort of reflection or shadow applying to the range indicators which seemed weird.
What is this supposed to be?

I suggest you look into some of the best top down stealth/shooter games for feature ideas.

Thank you for the thorough answer. I’ll definitely think through what you said and improve some features. Thanks for taking the time to answer me.

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The least I could do. I can see there are not many helpful responses and many questions get burried by support requests. Unity should consider spliting the category to support and asset store questions.

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