Reset a script when entering a scene?

I have a timer and if I go to another scene then come back the timer is still running to it doesn’t reset. Is there a way I can reset a script? Any help?

The script should reset when you exit and enter a scene. Are you using Time.realtimeSinceStartup?

here is the script i’m using. it’s actually 2 scripts though.

//countdownTimer: methods to handle a countdown timer 
//it is always assumed that there is a guiText item available for the display output 

private var b_timer_active : boolean; //switch to start/stop timer 
private var f_timer_done; //method to be called when timer runs down 
private var fl_start_time : float; //start time (in seconds) 
private var fl_time_left : float; //time left (in seconds) 

function getFlRemainingTime() { //get the time remaining on the clock 
   return fl_time_left; 

function setTimerDoneAction(f_method_fp) { //set the method to be called when the timer is done 
   f_timer_done = f_method_fp; 

function setTimerState(b_active_fp : boolean) { //set the active state of the timer 
   b_timer_active = b_active_fp; 

function setStartTime(fl_time_fp : float) { //set the starting value for the countdown 
   fl_start_time = fl_time_fp; 

function Update() { 
   if (b_timer_active) { //check to see if the timer is "on" 
      if (!guiText) { //check for an available GUIText component 
         Debug.Log("countdownTimer needs a GUIText component!"); 
         enabled = false; 
      } else { 
         doCountdown(); //decrement the time and send value to GUIText for output 

private function doCountdown() { // 
   if (fl_start_time) { //make sure that we had a starting time value before conting down 
      fl_time_left = fl_start_time - Time.time; 
      fl_time_left = Mathf.Max(0, fl_time_left); //don't let the time fall below 0.0 
      guiText.text = outReadableTime(fl_time_left); //display the time to the GUI 
      if (fl_time_left == 0.0) { //if time has run out, deactivate the timer and call the followup method 
         b_timer_active = false; 
         if (f_timer_done) { //only call the followup method if we had one 
   } else { 
      Debug.Log("countdownTimer needs a value set for fl_time_left"); 

private function outReadableTime(fl_time_fp : float) { //format the floating point seconds to M:S 
   var i_minutes : int; 
   var i_seconds : int; 
   var i_time : int; 
   var s_timetext : String; 
   i_time = fl_time_fp; 
   i_minutes = i_time / 60; 
   i_seconds = i_time % 60; 
   s_timetext = i_minutes.ToString() + ":"; 
   s_timetext = s_timetext + i_seconds.ToString(); 
   return s_timetext; 

var o_countdownTimer : countdownTimer;
var f_timerdone = timerDone;
o_countdownTimer = GetComponent(countdownTimer);

function timerDone() {
guiText.text = “Out Of Time”;

that makes a countdown timer that i use for it.``

ugh, personally I would do it like this:

(Scroll to the last post in that thread).

thanks alot.