Reset Bind Pose not working

sory for asking this question again, i think its the 2nd time iam asking.
But every time i try Unity i get stuck in the same place

Ive set the sprite to skinning editor
mode the bones
auto weights

the restore pose in the sprite editor seems to be working,
But when i press the button ( reset bind pose ) in the editor nothing happens ?

I cant seem to understand what is really going on.
is there a way to make the ( reset bind pose ) work ?

Hey…? :frowning_face:


Hi @jonjons1, thanks for sharing this.

Sprite Skin will not reset the bone to it’s bind pose if it doesn’t have a “parent”.

If you create a root bone in a Skinning Editor so that every bone is parented to another bone (eg. root bone), something like this:
Root Bone
Root Bone → Bone 1
Root Bone → Bone 2

the Reset Bind Pose will reset them to their bind pose.

The reason why we don’t reset the non-parented bones is that they can be used as root for animation.

Let me share it back with a team as there might be a better solution to this.

The deform effect wont work on the image, with all the bones attached to each other…
Is there a way instead to use the button ( restore pose in the sprite editor ) in script ?

Which version of the 2D Animation package are you using?

Starting from Animation 10.1.X has a ResetBindPose that you can call on a Sprite Skin component.

9.1.2, 2024.
but do the bones need to be parented ( connected to each other ) ?
If i connect them i will loose the wrap transform in the image… Iam used to code my own animations.