Reset GUI texture after respawn

I have this GUI texture that changes depending on how many times the jump button i pressed during midair, but when I respawn the function does not work again. It it does not reset, and it stays on the last GUItexture image from the previous jump.

This is my GUI script:

    var trick6 : Texture2D;
var trick5 : Texture2D;
var trick4 : Texture2D;
var trick3 : Texture2D;
var trick2 : Texture2D;
var trick1 : Texture2D;

static var SPLASH = 6;

function Update () 
        case 0:
            guiTexture.texture = trick1;

        case 1:
            guiTexture.texture = trick2;

        case 2:
            guiTexture.texture = trick3;

        case 3:
            guiTexture.texture = trick4;

        case 4:
            guiTexture.texture = trick5;

        case 5:
            guiTexture.texture = trick6;

I trigger it though my character controller script in the jump function here (post onlye the jumping part of the script):


var jumpSpeed = 15.0; 
var gravity = 20.0;
var speedSmoothing = 5.0;
var maxFallSpeed = 50.0;

private var moveDirection =; 
private var grounded : boolean = false; 
private var jumpCount:int; 
private var onGround:boolean; 

function FixedUpdate() { 
   if (grounded) { 

      // We are grounded, so recalculate movedirection directly from axes 
      moveDirection = new Vector3(Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"), 0, 0); 
      moveDirection = transform.TransformDirection(moveDirection); 
      moveDirection *= speed; 
     jumpCount = 0; 
   if (Input.GetButtonDown ("Jump") && jumpCount < 20) 
    moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed; 
    SplashScript.SPLASH -= 1;


The third last line "SplashScript.SPLASH -= 1:" is where i trigger it through my character controller script.

In your script, you constantly subtract -1 from SplashScript.SPLASH, but never reset it. You probably want to reset it to 6 in the "if(grounded)" case. Also note that your SplashScript does nothing for that default value - you probably want to add a "case 6", which resets to the inital texture.