Reset The Scene ?

Hello, I’ve been using Application.LoadLevel(0) for resetting to my scene but all stuffs that I’ve done is still there :S So how can i Completely Reset my Scene ? Is there a code piece for it :smiley: ?

You should check you build settings-
Press CMD+SHIFT+B FOR MAC or CTRL+SHIFT+B for window, and see there is any scens added or not in Scenes in build, if not then drag and drop your scene there.

then use Application.LoadLevel(0); // 0 is the index in build setting

it will work.

Loading a new level removes all objects from the current scene. If you have your Scene in the build settings as Scene 0, then it will work.

I assume you have either not assigned the scene to the build settings and are getting an error message, OR you have ridiculously marked everything with DontDestroyOnLoad.

Hope this helps,