Resetting a Level / Scene to original state

How do I remove all instances or reset the state of a level back to the original starting state?


Easy (Level 0) - Game
Scoreboard (Level 1)

After the game ends I forward the user to Scoreboard (level 1). From scoreboard the user got the option to start the game again - starting Easy (level 0).

But when I load level easy the instances (such as scores etc) are still active.


I have no problem with
to restart a level.

Do you have objects with DontDestroyOnLoad()? If that’s the case, then you’ll have to destroy those objects manually.

Also, static variables (your score?) will not reset.

Sorry for bumping, but this is what im trying to achieve too, get my timer back to what it standard was…
and I didnt set any dontDestroyObject.
So I have no idea how to fix this…