So I’m using ReSharper. It suggests that namespaces match the folders that classes are in. Unfortunately, for my Unity project, it wants to have everything in the “Assets” namespace since that is the first folder in the root of the Visual Studio project.
Under the Assets folder properties, I have “Namespace Provider” set to false, yet ReSharper is still suggesting everything start with “Assets”.
I’m having the same issue, and I do have VS tools for unity setup and working. I’m currently working with VS2012 instead of 2013 so perhaps that could be the issue?
Resharper 9, VS 2015 Community, VS Tools for VS 2015, same issue still happening!
Previously I had ReSharper 8.1 and VS 2015 and VSTools and didn’t have this problem. The workaround with setting each nested folder’s settings doesn’t seem very pretty to me, due to the fact that I have most likely over 200 folders to check.
Is there anything new on this topic? I’d be very very pleased to hear there is!