Resize WWW.Texture

Hi, i’m trying to resize a texture from www but it doesnt work

var ResizedTexture = Texture2D;
url = "http://myurl";
var www : WWW = new WWW (url);
yield www;
ResizedTexture = www.texture; //Error : Cannot convert 'UnityEngine.Texture2D' to 'System.Type'
ResizedTexture.Resize(32,32,TextureFormat.PVRTC_RGB4,false); //Error : Can't resize to a compressed texture format
renderer.material.mainTexture = ResizedTexture;

Thanks for help

The reason is mentioned clearly there. You can not resize to PVRTC, actually you can not compress in realtime at all.

and for the resize part ? I did not succeed resizing a web image

Can you provide the actual code that you use?
The above one will never work cause you can’t use pvrtc

var ResizedTexture = Texture2D;
url = “http://myurl”;
var www : WWW = new WWW (url);
yield www;
ResizedTexture = www.texture; //Error : Cannot convert ‘UnityEngine.Texture2D’ to ‘System.Type’
renderer.material.mainTexture = ResizedTexture;

UnityScript always proofs again that its still some years away from being a real language and not some home hacker paradise of bugs, you could never have hit that bug in C# and that although the code otherwise looks basically the same

Change the first line to

var ResizedTexture [b]:[/b] Texture2D;

I have no more errors but the render is black.

If I remove this line : ResizedTexture.Resize(32,32,TextureFormat.RGB24,false); the texture appears with the original image resolution.
if not my cube is black

Anyone ?


Resize doesn’t mean scaling, if that’s what you’re trying to do.


I want to resize a Large Texture to become a small texture
ex : image 512x512 downloaded on internet → icon 32x32

I add this line :


after this


No more dark but something like TV snow.

Any idea? Is it due to iOS development ?

I already answered your question.


cool it works, I think there is a problem of word, for me resize = résolution size, and scale = UV scale.
It seems to be inverted in Unity

Thanks a lot