Hello, I have a problem. Unity doesn’t let me put Resolution Dropdown to canvas (settings menu script) resolution dropdown.
Does the “Resolution Dropdown” GameObject have a Dropdown component attached to it?
I’d assume the Dropdown component itself is on a child object of you “Resolution Dropdown” component. Try expanding it and dragging the object that has the actual Dropdown component.
How do I do that ? Im new so im kinda lost
Expanding it didn’t work either
- In the Hierarchy View select the “Resolution Dropdown” GameObject and see if it has the the Dropdown component on it from the Inspector view.
If it does not have the component, you can also look through all the child GameObjects under the “Resolution Dropdown” GameObject in the Hierarchy view, to see if any of them have the component on them.
Once you find the component, you can drag and drop that GameObject in specific into the Resolution Dropdown field.
If you did not find the Component anywhere you will need to add it somewhere.
In hierarchy the Resolution dropdown isnt a game object its jsut a dropdown menu or how do i call it
The hierarchy window shows only game objects. Nothing else is in hierachy window, bu hierarchy of game objects (it is stored in a component named Transform fytk). Game objects magic is done via components. When you add appopriate component or set of components, the game object starts to look and behave differently. It becomes dropdown menu or trap on the level or ui image, those changes are visible in Game and Scene windows.
If some object references dropdown, it means it wants you to drag a gameobject with Dropdown component attached to it, not just any gameobject what you called Dropdown. Names are there to make easier for you to navigate hierarchy, otherwise they do not matter.
Sorry its a bit late, but for anyone who needs help, you cannot use text mesh pro dropdowns. In you’re code that you wrote, you did not refer to a dropdown (TMP) if you do want to use a tmp dropdown.