[RESOLVED] Broken Output Color on Mac Build

Hello everyone!
I have a problem about build output in Mac. The color shown strange and broken for every sprite images. Here’s how it looks like

And here’s the output build for Windows (which gave us correct results)

Here’s some info about the projects:

  • We are using Unity 5.3.5f1 and tried to compile both on Mac and Windows machine, but the results are the same.

  • The project is perfectly fine on Unity Mac Editor, only build output shows the strange result

  • Rendering path is Forward

  • Color space is Gamma

  • Most of the texture import settings are Sprite (2D and UI) with max size 1024 and 2048 compressed

  • Most of the UI sprites aren’t affected but some of them do

  • At first we thought it’s the Colorful FX plugin problem, but the broken output color start since the beginning scene which has no color adjustment plugin

Have you had an issue like this? Thanks for your help!

It’s resolved!
It seemed the broken colour affected on x86 only build. After some trial and error we found out that x64 gave the correct colour! I still don’t know what and why.

And I think Unity output for 64 bit OSX is also 32, is that right? Because the build settings shown as “x86_64”. Fortunately most of the OSX machines are 64 bit. I hope.