(resolved) "children" of entity issue. re: LinkedEntityGroup

I’m sure I am missing something, so free free to laugh at me.

I have a spawner system that creates autos, each of these come from a prefab that have one or more child objects. When the game runs each of these entities have the component LinkedEntityGroup, perfect, fine, good.

However I have some objects within the scene, signs, little buildings, etc. These placed within a Sub Scene, however when the game runs there is not LinkedEntityGroup on these, so when I attempt to destroy the entity I cannot access the child objects.

What am I doing wrong?


You aren’t doing anything wrong. That’s just the behavior of subscene entities by default (It is an optimization for static environment entities). You can override it with the LinkedEntityGroupAuthoring component.


Thanks, I’ll look into that.

Have a great day

edit: LITTERALLY 30 seconds later: Added the LinkedEntityGroupAuthoring component, ran a test and BINGO.

Awesome, thank you again