[RESOLVED] How do I use the custom sprite pivot point?

I’m trying to animate a stickman, and I’m using the tutorial to animate. I’m using a spritesheet to animate and I after I set the pivot points on each body part, they don’t rotate at the custom point and still rotate at the centre. This happens even after I set the sprite mode to Multiple and the Sprite Sort Mode to Pivot for every single one of them, and yet they rotate and center? I have attached a picture for one of the parts.


i’m pretty new to Unity but i did a tutorial in 2d with sprites ,that said to make sure that when you change the pivot point you have to apply the changes you made with the apply button.

Turns out you also have to set this “Center” thing to “Pivot” in the toolbar at the top (at top middle in the screenshot, next to “Local”). Began working perfectly fine for me after that. Thought I’d leave this here in case someone comes across a similar problem in the future.


Helps a lot