[RESOLVED] RemoteSettings.Completed does not return the correct value

This is how my project looks like :

This is my code :

And this is the console :

Why does the value is equal to TRUE ?
I expected it to be equal to FALSE.

(sorry for the double post, I can’t put >5 images per post)

I believe you are mixing the Remote Config control panel, but using Remote Settings in your code. At any rate, we are deprecating Remote Settings in favor of Remote Config. I would suggest that you try the code here:


Oh ! Right ! Thank you ! Sorry !

It works only once…
Now it does not work anymore :

And why the cached values are not equal to the last downloaded value ?

ok I added thoses 3 things (which the doc says is optional) and it’s working !

Yes, I would recommend to use the Sample code as is, get it working, then customize as necessary.

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