[RESOLVED] UWP Win10 can't find Assembly-CSharp-firstpass-uwp.csproj

When a UWP Build is created (Unity 5.2, VS2015, Win10), the UWP project attempts to load the Assembly-CSharp-firstpass-uwp.csproj and Assembly-CSharp-uwp.csproj files from the original (source) Unity project folder. This doesn’t work if the VS project is build on another computer.

Is this a bug or by design?

By design

To expand, this will only happen when you check “Debugging C# projects” when building. That option is designed for rapid prototyping, and is only supported when you’re building on the same machine.

If you’re transferring the built project to another machine, uncheck that option before building from Unity.

Ok, that makes sense, thanks. No longer get this error when attempting to build VS project on another computer.