Resonance seems dead, what do we use instead?

I’ve been trying to get Resonance added to my project, but it looks like it’s pretty much dead in terms of development, leaving specific flaws (such as not supporting more than one mixer) unfinished, and I’m getting a ton of weird issues and audio glitches so far.

The Resonance Audio Unity implementation hasn’t been modified in 5 years, with the actual Resonance Audio github barely being touched in that time as well.

THUS: What Spatializer SDK do you all use for better audio features (better room reverb handling, audio source direction, occlusion)? I know FMOD is a popular sdk, but I’m not sure if it actually does occlusion and such, and since my project is so far in development I can’t switch to not using AudioClips…

Resonance and Steam Audio both seem to have completely kicked the bucket. At this point it almost seems prudent to roll my own solution until I can evaluate some other options.

hey, @Murgilod did you come up with a solution?

FMOD is pretty much the standard if you need more than what Unity provides put of the box.

Yeah, but it’s not exactly something that’s easy to implement by any means. I gave up on having anything resembling accurate reverb and instead just use the reverb effect in Unity’s mixer with some specific settings based on trigger zones. For things like occlusion effects, I cast a ray towards the player and have that tweak things further based on specific material parameters to muffle the sound and apply high/low pass as necessary. There are ways you can do this by adapting FMOD and Resonance but I try and rely on third-party libraries as much as possible for portability reasons.