In the editor I have a Resources folder containing several sub-folders. It is located at …/UnityProject/Assets/Resources and contains several images equaling 2.56GB. Game works perfectly in editor no problems.
When I build a standalone none of these assets are built. So my build …Build/Build_Data/Resources folder is only 1.83MB. It only contains “unity default resources” and “unity_builtin_extra”. None of my resources are there. When I try playing the build it crashes when “Resources.Load” is called (citing an access violation) because the files it’s searching for don’t exist.
I haven’t changed the file structure outside of the Unity Editor and all my structures seem sound so I can’t figure out what the problem could be. Why aren’t any of my Resources being built into the standalone?
TL;DR - Resource folder should be 2.56GB but when I build the standalone Resource folder is only 1.83MB and doesn’t contain my assets.