I’m building an app which has a lot of animations in it which seem to take up a lot of memory. Now i was experimenting with using Resources.Load() to load an animation when it’s needed. But that gives a hiccup in the app on the iPod Touch 4G.
What i’m doing:
When a user clicks on a button the animation loads and starts playing. When i do this from the memory it gives no stutters or hiccups, but when i use Resources.Load is stutters.
Is there a way te get around the stuttering whedn using Resources.Load on an animation?
Just to give an example:
Running on iPod Touch 4G without animations = memory usage 5.3MB
Running on iPod Touch 4G with animations = memory usage 38.5MB
I just read about AssetBundles in the scripting reference. Would that benefit me and takes away the stuttering if i’m using AssetBundles instead of Resources.Load()?