Resource.Load prefab via variable?

I’m slowly going insane (by Vaas’ defineeeetion of insanity at least); I am making a game similar to Bit.Trip: Beat as a fun little side project, but this problem I can’t seem to fix and the internet isn’t helping!

I have a list that acts as a queue for when to spawn different types of entities, e being a string of one of those variables in the list, and I want to load them dynamically so I can avoid a ridiculous amount of if/else statements that I no doubt will have.
this is the line of interest:

GameObject p = Resources.Load("Prefabs/" + e.z);

Whenever I try to Resources.Load with a variable (even if it’s a string that I KNOW is right,) it will spit out an error of the prefab being null, but when I use

GameObject p = Resources.Load("Prefabs/Basic Pip");

‘Basic Pip’ being the name of the current test entity, it will work fine!

try this code instead

 string path = "Prefabs/" + e.z;
 Debug.Log("Load path is "+path);
 GameObject p = Resources.Load(path);

Chances are e.z isnt what you think it is.

Debugging is the art of identifying and testing every assumption you are making until you discover one that is false.