Resources.Load doesn't work in Windows build


I’ve just spent about an hour Googling this, only to find a bunch of questions with no valid answers. I am currently loading XML from files in my Resources folder. It works perfectly in the editor. The code is:

string questionSetName = string.Format(“QuestionSet-{0}”, questionSetId);
TextAsset questionSet = (TextAsset)Resources.Load(questionSetName, typeof(TextAsset));

If I compile to a Windows build, then it can no longer find the file.

Any help?


Can anyone help with this? I’m really screwed :frowning:

Can you post the code or create a small project with the same problem and share it here?

I think I’ve isolated the problem more closely. It’s not actually a file load issue, it’s what I do with the file content after load. I’m serialising an object from the XML in the file, and while this happens successfully in the editor AND in WebGL, it fails on the WindowsStandalone due to the lack of I18N.dll and I18N.West.dll.

However, if I include those two DLLs in the build, the WindowsStandalone functions, and a WebGL built from the same code crashes.

Any idea what is going on?