Resources.Load is not seeing assets custom unity package.

Having issues similar to this thread:

The problem i am having is that my Resources.Load function does not work on assets within a unity package during windows standalone runtime. The same function operates properly in editor.

Unity Version : 2022.3.4f1
Build target : windows standalone

I have a project that uses custom unity packages that contain the core features of our codebase. The structure of these packages looks like:
– Editor
– – Folders
– – asmdef
– Runtime
– – Resources
– – Code that called Resources.Load
– – asmdef

each of my asmdef files are set to include all platforms.

I have tried interactively debugging the build with a script debugging build.
What i found was that Resource.Load found no prefab in Prefabs/X. using Resources.LoadALL() i found that it could find no prefabs in these folders yet there are multiple prefabs in this folder.

I cannot figure out why Resources.Load would not work in this instance.

Resolved issue.

I had my prefabs located in an Editor folder in my package. Moving them to a Runtime Folder and giving them their own asmdef fixed my issue.