I have a directory under Assets/Resources named “Textures”. It contains two imported image files (.jpg, .png). If I view each of these files in the inspector they appear to be textures. I use them as textures on materials, so I’m pretty sure they are indeed textures.
Using the code snippet directly from the documentation:
Texture2D textures = (Texture2D) Resources.LoadAll(“Textures”)
Returns the following error:
“InvalidCastException: Cannot cast from source type to destination type.”
I have tried changing things about that line of code, such as switching “Texture2D” to “Texture”; adding “as Texture” to the end of the statement; removing the “(Texture2D)” token. The best I can achieve is to get rid of the error by removing the “(Texture2D)” token AND adding “as Texture2D” to the end of the statement, then I no longer generate the error, but my object is null.