Greetings, I am currently creating a game where you have to jump from one cube to another and not fall off. I was wondering if there was any way that I could make it so the player respawns at the original spawn point after falling a little distance. Does anyone have scripts for my request? I am having a very hard time with this as I am quite new to Unity. May you explain in detail exactly what I do to have the player respawn on the original spawn point after falling off? I already created a invisible large rectangle under the map so the player falls off and lands on it. Now what do I do after this? How do I make it so the player teleport to the spawn point after hitting the invisible platform?
That should be pretty easy. I would think you could just do an “ApplyDamage” kind of setup like the FPS tutorial and die after falling, or maybe set up the invisible block’s oncollision to place the player back at the start.
Wherever you have the logic that shows your player has fallen off screen do this, Application.LoadLevel(Application.LoadedLevel)