Respawn character controller

Hey guys, Just creating a 3rd person game, and wanted our character to respawn to a check point when he collides with game objects. Any ideas? Thanks Sophie x

Hi Sophie,

I'd suggest you go through the 3rd person platformer tutorial before creating your 3rd person game. They do exactly what you require, i.e respawning at a certain point, and I'm sure the tutorial will teach you most of what you need to know to jump start your game.

The tutorial can be found at...

Good luck!

I would suggest watching a video from tornadotwins on In some part it says how to make your character re spawn

Here is the code i use, you create a empty game object. Drag the script to your FPS controller, drag the empty game object to the reaspawn slot in the inspector and that should work!

var SpawnPoint : GameObject;

function Awake()


SpawnPoint.transform.position = transform.position;


function Update() {

if(transform.position.y < -20) {




function forceRespawn()


transform.position = SpawnPoint.transform.position;


function OnControllerColliderHit(hit: ControllerColliderHit) {

if ( == "Respawn") {


