Respawn destroyed object

Hi everyone I have this script where as to when i hit a trigger my enemy spawns at a random time then the enemy destroy itself at a random time. I want to respawn the enemy again so it can do this over and over again. Any Suggestions:

public class SpawnManager : MonoBehaviour {

public GameObject Enemy; // the enemy prefab
public float mytimer; // the time to wait before spawn
public float transport;// the time it has to destroy itself

private GameObject _spawndEnemy; // the enemy that was spawnd

void SpawnEnemy()
    var enemySpawnPoint =  GameObject.Find("FFEnemySpawn1").transform;
    _spawndEnemy = Instantiate(Enemy, enemySpawnPoint.position, enemySpawnPoint.rotation) as GameObject;
    transport = Random.Range (2,15);

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
    if ( == "FFTrigger") {
        mytimer = Random.Range(0,15);
        Invoke("SpawnEnemy", mytimer);
        Debug.Log("Spawn Normal");


void Update()
    Destroy (_spawndEnemy, transport);

AFAIK, you have two options…

  • Don’t “Destroy”. Just Disable.

  • Instantiate from a Prefab (I believe this is what you do… what’s teh problem with it?)

I see some issues with your code Vs what you wrote in the description…
You said you destroy enemy at random time? But in your code, I see that you destroy immediately (in next frame), but instantiate after a random time once it collides with something… ? That would mean the life span of the object will just be one frame. Always. (And I guess it is not the collider of the same object that you destroy… otherwise you won’t be getting any more collisions…).

Edit again: sorry, i missed that your destroy’s second parameter is not a “transport”, but actually a random number… misguided by the variable name).