respawn player problems

Hello, I’m having trouble with my player respawn … the model arises when the player is changing position “looking up” is not on the same position before!

static var lives: int = 3;

var player: GameObject;

function Update () {

Respawn function () {
WaitForSeconds yield (1);
Instantiate (player, Vector3 (-0.3,0.4, -4.7), transform.rotation);


this is the script for the player to respawn when he dies and is born he is “looking” up and completely change the controls! help me please … how do I get the player standing on the same position?
There is another reference to respawn I test?

if you are loading from a prefab, use the prefab’s transformation and rotation, if not store the player’s orientation in a temp object right before he dies and orient the new player looking and facing the same way the temp object was.

Pls recheck where u r attaching this script. transform.rotation might be referring to that gameobject. As kievar pointed , always use prefab for instantiation. Have a look at

done … placed inside the empty game object with the coordinates 0 and it’s all ok …

done … placed inside the empty game object with the coordinates 0 and it’s all ok …

done … placed inside the empty game object with the coordinates 0 and it’s all ok …