Hi Guys, I’m having an issue with a respawn script i’m trying to write.
The issue is that once ‘playerOne’ has respawned once, if he dies again he doesnt respawn.
The strange thing here is that if ‘playerOne’ is killed and respawns the first time, but then he goes and kills ‘playerTwo’, then ‘playerOne’ dies again, he will respawn for the second time. this can continue to be done as long as ‘playerOne’ kills ‘playerTwo’ after respawning, otherwise he wont respawn for a second time.
heres the code for ‘playerOne’
public class PlayerOne : MonoBehaviour {
public float speed, jumpForce, stompForce, bounceForce;
bool grounded = true, isFlipped, landed = false;
public bool dead = false;
public Transform groundCheck, groundCheck1, landedCheck, landedCheck2;
public LayerMask whatIsGround, playerTwoTag;
void FixedUpdate ()
float move = Input.GetAxis ("PlayerOne_Horizontal");
//leftRight movement
rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2 (move * speed, rigidbody2D.velocity.y);
//check if player needs to be flipped, then flip if neccesary
if (move > 0 && isFlipped)
flip ();
else if (move < 0 && !isFlipped)
flip ();
void Update ()
if (Input.GetKeyDown (KeyCode.S) && grounded == false)
GroundStomp ();
if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.W) && grounded == true)
Jump ();
//check if grounded
grounded = Physics2D.OverlapArea (groundCheck.position, groundCheck1.position, whatIsGround);
//check if player lands on anyone elses head
landed = Physics2D.OverlapArea (landedCheck.position, landedCheck2.position, playerTwoTag);
if (landed)
GameObject.FindWithTag("PlayerTwo").GetComponent<PlayerTwo>().dead = true;
GameObject.Find ("Score").GetComponent<ScoreScript>().playerOneScore++;
landed = false;
if (dead)
void Jump ()
rigidbody2D.AddForce(Vector2.up * jumpForce , ForceMode2D.Force);
void GroundStomp ()
rigidbody2D.AddForce (-Vector2.up * stompForce, ForceMode2D.Force);
void StompBounce ()
rigidbody2D.velocity = new Vector2 (bounceForce, bounceForce);
void Death ()
void flip()
//flips sprite left and right depending which way character is facing
isFlipped = !isFlipped;
Vector3 scale = transform.localScale;
scale.x *= -1;
transform.localScale = scale;
And Heres the code for the respawn script, sorry for the length of the last code block!
public class RespawnScript : MonoBehaviour {
public Transform[] spawnPoints;
int spawnNumber;
public GameObject playerOneSpawn;
bool playerOneDead;
void Update()
if (GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag ("PlayerOne").GetComponent<PlayerOne> ().dead)
IEnumerator RespawnPlayerOne()
spawnNumber = Random.Range (0, 11);
yield return new WaitForSeconds (2);
GameObject newPlayerOneSpawn = (GameObject)Instantiate (playerOneSpawn,
spawnPoints[spawnNumber].position, spawnPoints[spawnNumber].rotation);
newPlayerOneSpawn.name = playerOneSpawn.name;
Any help will be appreciated guys! This has been doing my head in for days now and I know its probably something im just overlooking. Thanks in advance!