Responsiveness decreases with project size

Delays when saving a scene, selecting objects, duplicating objects, dragging objects into the scene and similar tasks are barely noticeable with a small project, but with a project with 6 GB of assets, the editor seems to hang for about 2 seconds for each of those tasks, even when the scene is empty.

I’ve also noticed that models dragged into the scene don’t appear until the cursor moves for at least a pixel. It then takes another 2 seconds for it to appear in the hierarchy.

The attached screenshot shows a profiler spike when an object is dropped in the scene (aside from those hangs, the editor runs extremely fast, so it was quite difficult to catch).

Thanks for the report.
This is likely due to some fallbacks we currently have to ensure that everything works as expected on a case-sensitive filesystem.
It’s one of our TODOs to profile/optimize this, as well as pruning away unnecessary fallbacks.

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Same problem here… Build #2015091501 on ubuntu almost impossible to work with large project (7GB). Have to wait for around 10-30 seconds after object selection.

I was working with a project from windows NTFS drive, now things are a lot better then moved to ext4 native partition! Editor still laggy, but now it’s posible to work!