Restarting a Countdown Timer

In my game I have a simple timer that counts down from 60 seconds. It restarts if the game is reset. Now I want to add a script that displays how much time was left after a certain scene is loaded. The script works but now if the game is restarted the new timer doesn’t restart! What am I missing?

private var seconds = 60.0;

 function OnLevelWasLoaded ( level : int ) {
 	timeLeft = seconds - Time.time;
 	timeLeft = Mathf.Max (0, timeLeft);
 	guiText.text = FormatTime(seconds);
 	seconds -= Time.deltaTime; 
 	if (level == 1) {
 	if (level == 6) {	
 		guiText.text = "Your Time Left was " + timeLeft;
 function FormatTime (time) {
   var intTime : int = time;
   var minutes : int = intTime / 60;
   var seconds : int = intTime % 60;
   timeText = minutes.ToString () + ":";
  timeText = timeText + seconds.ToString ();
   return timeText;

I combined both scripts into one but its still not working. After the game loads scene 7 or 8 the main timer restarts when the game is reloaded but the “Your time was” part does not. Anybody??

private var seconds = 60.0;
var running = false;

function Update () {
	if (running) {
   timeLeft = seconds - Time.time;
   timeLeft = Mathf.Max (0, timeLeft);
    guiText.text = FormatTime (seconds);
	seconds -= Time.deltaTime;

if (seconds <= 0) {


 function OnLevelWasLoaded ( level : int ) {
 	timeLeft = seconds - Time.time;
 	timeLeft = Mathf.Max (0, timeLeft);
 	guiText.text = FormatTime(seconds);
 	seconds -= Time.deltaTime; 
 	if (level == 6) {	
 		guiText.text = "Your Time Left was " + timeLeft;
 	if (level == 7) {
     if (level == 8) {
function FormatTime (time) {
   var intTime : int = time;
   var minutes : int = intTime / 60;
   var seconds : int = intTime % 60;
   timeText = minutes.ToString () + ":";
  timeText = timeText + seconds.ToString ();
   return timeText;