Restarting editor breaks Input Manager

So I have 4 prefabs that get linked up with index to a gameobject prefab with scripts on it. The Player Input Manager spawns up to 4 of these by button press and sets up split screen. I have it working perfectly. However, when I exit Unity and return it just won’t work. I can spawn the players, but the cameras don’t take over my Display 2(Display 1 is for a VR player). I can see the controls working on my prefabs controlled with the input system, but no split screen or view from their cameras. If I delete my scene prefabs and the PIM and readd them… Back to working like a charm. Any thoughts?

I can also whip up a quick screen cast of it if it would be helpful to anyone.


I got tired of deleting and adding back so I created an empty parent object to hold the 4 player models and the PIM and prefabbed it so I could delete and add back quickly. Turns out, the glitch doesn’t happen if they are grouped and that group is prefabbed.

Still happy to help replicate again for the devs if needed.