Hello All!
I’m extremely new to unity (big shocker right?) and I’m working on an iOS game trying to understand a few things. I’ve modified my 2d side scroller script to where the camera is locked into place and my ‘player’ is hovering above the ground and constrained to a certain y coordinate (it’s going to be a helicopter).
What I can’t seem to figure out how to do is prevent my player from moving off screen. From what I’ve researched (i.e. looked up on google) I should be using Mathf.Clamp but I don’t quite understand where it would be used in the script for player movement. Below is my script, if anyone has any recommendations I’d greatly appreciate it!
// SidescrollControl.js
// SidescrollControl creates a 2D control scheme where the left
// pad is used to move the character, and the right pad is used
// to make the character jump.
#pragma strict
@script RequireComponent( CharacterController )
// This script must be attached to a GameObject that has a CharacterController
var moveTouchPad : Joystick;
var jumpTouchPad : Joystick;
var forwardSpeed : float = 4;
var backwardSpeed : float = 4;
var jumpSpeed : float = 16;
var inAirMultiplier : float = 0.25; // Limiter for ground speed while jumping
private var thisTransform : Transform;
private var character : CharacterController;
private var velocity : Vector3; // Used for continuing momentum while in air
private var canJump = true;
function Start()
// Cache component lookup at startup instead of doing this every frame
thisTransform = GetComponent( Transform );
character = GetComponent( CharacterController );
// Move the character to the correct start position in the level, if one exists
var spawn = GameObject.Find( "PlayerSpawn" );
if ( spawn )
thisTransform.position = spawn.transform.position;
function OnEndGame()
// Disable joystick when the game ends
// Don't allow any more control changes when the game ends
this.enabled = false;
function Update()
var movement = Vector3.zero;
// Apply movement from move joystick
if ( moveTouchPad.position.x > 0 )
movement = Vector3.right * forwardSpeed * moveTouchPad.position.x;
movement = Vector3.right * backwardSpeed * moveTouchPad.position.x;
movement += velocity;
//movement += Physics.gravity;
movement *= Time.deltaTime;
// Actually move the character
character.Move( movement );
if ( character.isGrounded )
// Remove any persistent velocity after landing
velocity = Vector3.zero;