I’m currently trying to do a simple staging system for a conversation system.
The idea is simple:
Stage are simply slot for conversation that have a position + radius that I can modify through data
StagePack are a list of “Stage” that contains all the stage (slot) of a conversation.
To do this, I created:
A StageComponent (containing the radius & some draw debug) + a “Stage” Prefab (for the position)
Then the StagePack is a ScriptableObject that have a list of GameObject (the “Stage” prefab) and then I can call “InstanciateStages(NPC1, NPC2)” and it will Instantiate all Stages from the list.
Then only this that bother me is that “StagePack” has a list of “GameObject” that isn’t very restrictive so someone could put every prefab he want…
Is there is a way to display here, only prefab that have the “StageComponent” and be more restrictive?
Thanks a lot