Restrict EventType.MouseDrag button?

I’ve written a script for my inventory, got it all working except I need to only allow one mouse button to move the item?
I’m currently using Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag as my method of dragging and item and Event.current.type == EventType.MouseUp to drop the item into another slot.

However I would like to restrict the button that can “Cut” the object from its current slot, at current it allows (On windows) Mouse 0, 1 and 2 to “cut” the object and when released will “paste” the object onto a new slot, whereas I would prefer it to only be Mouse 0 (Left click) so I can utilise Mouse 1 (Right?) as my method of displaying a menu.

So the question is, can I restrict a Mouse button on MouseDrag?

PS: I did think a method such as:

  if(Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag){
 GUI.Box(getRekt, "", Skin.GetStyle("Menu");

if(Event.current == EventType.MouseDrag && Event.current.button == 1)
//Do stuff here.

You’re close with the Input.MouseButtonDown(0), but this will only be true for 1 frame, when the button is first clicked. So, there’s a couple of ways. Using your existing code, just check if Input.MouseButtonDown(0), set a class member variable like “leftMouseDown” to true. Then on Input.MouseButtonUp(0), set it to false. Then for your second method, change it to use that flag as a restriction.

class whatever
  bool leftMouseDown;

  void Update() {
    if (Input.MouseButtonDown(0))
      leftMouseDown = true;
    else if (Input.MouseButtonUp(0))
      leftMouseDown = false;

    if (leftMouseDown && (Event.current.type == EventType.MouseDrag)) {
      // Do stuff