Retargeting problem ! Can't access muscles.


I have a question about retargeting.
So far, I’ve been using Blender to make models, rigs, animate them and export them. But I got to a point where I’d like to be able to reuse my animations so I can save some time.

I had a script to generate automatic rigs. It was a basic structure but didn’t work with Unity given it couldn’t find the foot because it was a child of an control bone. So:

  • I tried with Rigify. Still got an error, unity simply couldn’t figure the hierarchy and the whole guy was red.

  • Fiddled with the FBX exporting: Removed leaf bones and using only deform bones. Same results

  • Modified my script: Now it respects the Unity Configuration, the whole guy is green (see pic), but I can’t get access to the muscle tab.

Does this mean that I can’t use retargeting ?

Thanks for your insights !
