Retrieve list of imported animations on a FBX?

I am trying to pull the list of animations inside a FBX.

I can use gameobject.animation.GetClipCount() and this tells me the correct amount of animations.

But when I want to grab animation 4, I need to provide a STRING as parameter, not the value.

Where is the animation list with names, or how can I index into the list and get the name from each element by using integer/index values?

I can see them in the Inspector, so Unity knows them. But where do they hide?

I’ve tried debugging MonoDeveloper to search the gameobject.animation object, but thats not it!?

Do I need to cast them somehow or load them with something special?

Animation inherits from IEnumerable:

for (var a : AnimationState in animation) {

… so you could grab them and build a mapping (index -> AnimationState) or (index -> name).