So, I was told that because in my StatHandler class I was inheriting my MonoBehaviour I couldn’t use the old fashioned new StatHandler to get my integers, I was having a problem with the ints always retrieving 0 and still am, so I’m just going to upload my scripts. >_> I was told to use a script to AddComponents to my GameObject, so I’ll toss that in too, I guess.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Component : MonoBehaviour {
public StatHandler statHandler;
public HealthHandler healthHandler;
void Start () {
statHandler = gameObject.AddComponent<StatHandler>();
healthHandler = gameObject.AddComponent<HealthHandler>();
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class StatHandler : MonoBehaviour {
public int stamina, strength, agility, dexterity, wisdom;
public int baseHealth, baseMana;
public int statPoints;
public bool showingStatGUI;
#region start
void Start() {
//TODO Class Based Stats
stamina = 10;
strength = 10;
agility = 10;
dexterity = 10;
wisdom = 10;
baseHealth = stamina * 10;
baseMana = wisdom * 10;
statPoints = 100;
showingStatGUI = false;
#region getters
public int Stamina {
get { return stamina; }
set { stamina = value; }
void Update() {
// Displays interfaces
void OnGUI() {
if(showingStatGUI) {
showStatGUI ();
} else {
void showStatOpenGUI() {
if(GUI.Button(new Rect(0, Screen.height - 50, 150, 50), "Open Stats")) {
showingStatGUI = true;
#region StatGUI
void showStatGUI() {
//Close Button
if(GUI.Button (new Rect((Screen.width / 2) +390, 20, 30, 28), "X")) { showingStatGUI = false; }
//Background Boxes
GUI.Box (new Rect(220, 20, (Screen.width / 2)+200, (Screen.height / 2)+200), "");
GUI.Box (new Rect(220, 20, (Screen.width / 2)+200, 25), "Interface: Stat Points");
//Base Stat Text Box
GUI.Box (new Rect(225, 65, 155, 30), "Base Stats");
//Base Stats
GUI.Box (new Rect(250, 105, 155, 25), "Stamina: " +stamina);
GUI.Box (new Rect(250, 135, 155, 25), "Strength: " +strength);
GUI.Box (new Rect(250, 165, 155, 25), "Agility: " +agility);
GUI.Box (new Rect(250, 195, 155, 25), "Dexterity: " +dexterity);
GUI.Box (new Rect(250, 225, 155, 25), "Wisdom: " +wisdom);
// Information Boxes
GUI.Box (new Rect(425, 105, 315, 25), "Stamina increases your base health");
GUI.Box (new Rect(425, 135, 315, 25), "Strength increases your base melee damage");
GUI.Box (new Rect(425, 165, 315, 25), "Agility increases range based damage");
GUI.Box (new Rect(425, 195, 315, 25), "Dexterity increases crit rating and accuracy");
GUI.Box (new Rect(425, 225, 315, 25), "Wisdom increases magic damage and mana");
// Spending points
if(GUI.Button (new Rect(745, 105, 175, 25), "Increase Stamina by 1")) { AddStat("Stamina"); }
if(GUI.Button (new Rect(745, 135, 175, 25), "Increase Strength by 1")) { AddStat("Strength"); }
if(GUI.Button (new Rect(745, 165, 175, 25), "Increase Agility by 1")) { AddStat("Agility"); }
if(GUI.Button (new Rect(745, 195, 175, 25), "Increase Dexterity by 1")) { AddStat("Dexterity"); }
if(GUI.Button (new Rect(745, 225, 175, 25), "Increase Wisdom by 1")) { AddStat("Wisdom"); }
// Remaining Stat Points
GUI.Box (new Rect((Screen.width / 2) +250, 45, 155, 25), "Remaining Points: " +statPoints);
// Base Health, Damage, Mana, etc.
//Adding stat points
void AddStat(string stt) {
if(statPoints < 1)
switch(stt) {
case "Stamina":
case "Strength":
case "Agility":
case "Dexterity":
case "Wisdom":
and here’s my healthManager
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class HealthHandler : MonoBehaviour {
public int maxHealth = 100;
public int currentHealth = 100;
public int stamina;
public float healthBarLength;
// Use this for initialization
void Start () {
healthBarLength = Screen.width / 2;
// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {
// AdjustCurrentHealth (0);
void OnGUI() {
GUI.Box(new Rect(10, 20, healthBarLength, 20), currentHealth.ToString() + "/" + maxHealth.ToString());
public void AdjustCurrentHealth(int adj) {
currentHealth += adj;
if(currentHealth <= 0) {
currentHealth = 0;
} else if(currentHealth > maxHealth) {
currentHealth = maxHealth;
healthBarLength = (Screen.width / 2.0f) * ((float) currentHealth / maxHealth);
It’s in a comment where I’m trying to set stamina to the statValue in StatHandler, I’ve tried so many way I don’t know what to do, I’ve had some help but I’m posting this for everyone because I’m going to sleep, whoever helps me get this fixed I may make a “Donation” to, or buy them some beer.